
I've had this blog for years.  I think I wrote one post many years ago but deleted it because I didn't think it was good enough and was afraid of being judged. That's how I roll with most things in my life.  I'm working on it though, now that I am in my late 30s...
I really struggle with comparison and all that goes along with that.  Anyone else?
So now you know where I'm coming from, let me tell you a little about myself.
I have been married for 17 years to my best friend, I know that sounds cheesy but he truly is my best friend.  We met in high school and hung out in the same friend group but didn't date until after high school.  I didn't date anyone until him.  Not because I didn't want to but mostly because I didn't think anyone would even want to date me.  I know, low self esteem, right?
My husband helped to teach me that I am lovable and beautiful inside and out.  And so my journey began to not only just accept myself but appreciate who God made me to be.
Fast forward to today, we have four wonderful, energetic boys.  Yes, all boys, yes, four of them.  No, we are not going to "try for a girl".  That journey is a story for another post.
So now we are almost 2 years in to starting a church plant, pastoring a church is not something I ever thought I would be a part of!  As each different season of my life, this season is teaching me new ways to lean on Jesus in a deeper way.  I guess I'm learning that most of life is that, learning to lean more on Jesus and less on what we know or thought we knew.
This is where I am right now.  A wife.  Mother of 4 growing sons.  A lover of Jesus, learning to trust Him more deeply every day.
Also, a writer, although I have never admitted that until right now.  I have been a writer since about 5th grade.  Its how I process and share my feelings most easily.  I am an introvert, embracing who I am and getting comfortable in my own skin. 
